How It All Began

Monday, March 17, 2014

I have not been posting for a while.  I was on a course for the last month and needed to focus on that.  Unfortunately, photography had to take a break just for that little moment.  Now I am back and trying to get involved with many new things, relating to photography.  Trying to get involved with new galleries and and stores/restaurants that are looking for new pieces of art.

I was reading another blog today.  It's actually a photography group that I belong to on my Etsy site.  They post wonderful things all the time; but for some reason I clicked on the Canada tab.  I had not read the article they had on Canada yet and it was an interesting read.  It was about how a photographer from Winnipeg, Manitoba got involved in photography.  He just kind of fell into it.  It got me thinking....  Probably something I do best LOL.  How did I get involved with photography.

I really have always liked taking pictures.  Never have invested anytime into it.  I knew I had a good point and shoot camera, from which I was told had a great zoom lense.  But that's all I really knew.  I loved taking pictures, pretty much of anything.  Flowers, birds, our dog Dexter, anyone that would smile.  That was the extent of it.  

My boyfriends Father always said to me I should really get into it more; see what's out there.  I always thought that he was just being nice to me.  But he was being serious.  So I did....  I took the plunge.  I had no idea what I was doing or where to even start.  I Googled every place I could for juried art shows, because in my eyes (and that's just me personally) I wanted to be in juried shows as apposed to an all entry kind of show.  It felt more personal to know that if I made it through a jury with my photography then I might have done it:)  YEAH!!!!

I worked on a company name and worked on logos and met some very great people along the way that were by far great people to work with, when starting up a new business.  I still, to this day though don't consider it a business I just consider it a hobby.  But a hobby that brings in a few dollars to buy coffees every once in a while;) LOL

I have since felt pretty accomplished with what I have completed in just over a year.  I have been published in a few local newspapers and also accepted into 2 juried art shows.  I now sell my photography on Etsy and I am currently in a gallery in Uxbridge, Ontario; with an art show coming up April 26th and 27th, 2014.  

I plan on learning a few things every so often; while time permits.  I love seeing the final product and that's just really why I do it.  Thank you Brian, for pushing me into the right steps of getting my photography business of the ground and running.  He always tells me "Rome wasn't built in a day."

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