Hunger Awareness

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am curious...  As to what you think the meaning of 'Hunger Awareness' is?  What do you think of when you think of that phrase? 

When I think of that phrase, I instantly just want to help in any way I can, to promote a Healthy, Happy and Heartfelt style of living.  I know it can be a 'touchy' subject.  There can be people that look very deep into the phrase "Hunger Awareness," or on the other hand a simple image of a child eating a nice ripe golden delicious apple could be on the 'light' side, if you will. 

It's not everyday that a landscape/nature photographer asks its readers what you think of 'Hunger Awareness,' but there is more to the story.  I have been given the opportunity to help out my community in a very profound way.  I have been asked to run an event incorporating photography with a fundraiser; which has the theme this year 'Hunger Awareness.'  It is a subject that I thought I knew so much about as a Canadian and after doing just a little bit of research, I feel like I know NOTHING about it.  I find that in some groups you ask or some people you ask, instantly it could be taken as one of those subjects you're told to stay away from unless you really know the person.  You know, those subjects...  Politics, Ethnicity and Religion.  But don't you think we should be able to talk about it as a group?  Even if it's just the 'light version?'  I DO!

I want to be able to help out in many ways, to benefit my community, my province and my country that I've been given the chance to live in.  I have been fortunate to always have food on the table and always have been told to speak my mind.  Well, sometimes speaking about 'touchy' subjects is not something everyone wishes to talk to you about.  Which, leads to my next statement.... "A picture is worth a thousand words."  Exactly why I got involved with this fundraiser.  Through my eyes, I can elaborate on my views as what I depict to be 'Hunger Awareness' and through my viewers you can create what you think of it. 

I hope to do this topic justice for the event.  I will post more about it in the next month.  But I would love to know what you think of 'Hunger Awareness.'  How does it make you feel, when you think of the phrase? What do you envision in your head?  How does it affect you?  Anything you would like to share I would be honoured with reading! 

You can let me know anyway you want... Either as a comment on here (my blog) or on my Facebook page or even private message me.

Until then, I wish you all a happy and healthy evening and by no means have I written this blog to offend or upset anyone in any nature.

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